Are you wanting to start your own real estate company but do not have a broker’s license?
The answer is setting up a business entity LLC brokerage.
How is this possible?
It is actually really simple. We form a Texas limited liability company (LLC) and obtain for it a Broker’s License from the Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC). You are the one and only owner. Our company’s principal acts as its “individual” sponsoring broker and as its manager to ensure it complies with TREC’s licensing requirements.
You now own a brokerage, keep all commission, hire agents, establish your own brand, and more!
All you need is your Texas Salesperson license. An individual broker’s license is not required.
What about starting a team instead?
Operating as a team for a brokerage cannot provide the flexibility that this option allows. By law, teams must have the word “Team” or “Group” at the end of their names and are restricted from using certain words in the name. TREC advertising rules have caused many real estate teams to change their names and marketing strategies so they can no longer appear to be their own business. That’s not the case with BEST Brokerage LLC Sponsorship! Instead, imagine having the freedom to create your own branding and using your own marketing material to establish you and your company in the industry.
What do you have to do to set up an LLC brokerage?
- LLC Certificate of Formation
- Operating Agreement with a licensed broker listed as a manager
- Errors and Omission Insurance with a minimum $1 million of coverage
- No delinquent taxes owed for the company
- EIN (Employer Identification Number)
How does BEST Brokerage LLC Sponsorship work?
We charge just one low monthly fee to provide broker sponsorship for your LLC. You’re the owner. It’s your brand and marketing of your company and agents. You will set the commission splits with your agents to whatever you want. Our principal broker will be the designated broker for your LLC and will ensure compliance with TREC requirements. We’ll go over this and all of the necessary requirements with you as well as help you get everything properly set up.